Sonntag, 13. April 2025: UA am Festival Archipel, Genf

Uraufführung einer Komposition von Margrit Schenker im Auftrag des „Festival Archipel“ in Genf.
Mit Simone Keller auf der winddynamischen Orgel von Daniel Glaus und Margrit Schenker am Akkordeon.

Am gleichen Tag gibt Daniel Glaus am Morgen eine Einführung in die Entstehung und Weiterentwicklung seines Prototyps, einer neuen Art von Orgel:  Auf dieser Orgel ist die Tondynamik veränderbar mittels Tastendruck – weltweit ein Novum!

Nature – Trio Nushka

The Trio Nushka, consisting of three young Swiss musicians( Lara Morger, mezzo – soprano, Lisa Anna Gross, English horn and Marion Gross, Piano) is working on a new composition with the title Nature of Margrit Schenker. It is a commission by the trio that has been founded in 2020. The text of the new work is based on poems written by the Australian Aboriginal women Ali Coby Eckermann. – Schenker has been spending last spring  several inspiring weeks in the beautiful nature of „Down Under“. Premiere planned on October 18, 2023, Yehudi Menuhin Forum, Bern.

Girunvalla – Geierwally ( 2023, July 15 to 26 – from 21 to 26 with Margrit Schenker)

A theater piece that is being performed by a group of enthusiastic actors of the remote vally of Mustair in eastern Switzerland. It is featuring the story of a brave young woman living in the mountains who is being battered by its own father and dismissed to a  hut in the mountains. Her courage and her strong will are her guideline through her hard live. Unfortunately her tender love to a handsome man of the village is not being answered. Music of the scene with the clarinetist Stephan Britt and the accordionist Margrit Schenker. The trubadur Mario Fallet is commenting on the storyline.

  • © Margrit Schenker
    Feilengasse 3, 8008 Zürich, Schweiz
    Telefon +41 44 422 57 58